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Cypress word meaning and definition

Beside meaning and definition for word "cypress", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Seven characters, how to write "cypress" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:

Meaning and definition
Synonyms for cypress
See also

Letter statistic
Hand signs, morse code
Tarot cards, numerology
Other fun
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Meaning and definition for "cypress" word

[noun] any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones
[noun] wood of any of various cypress trees especially of the genus Cupressus
\Cy"press\ (s?"pr?s), n.; pl. {Cypresses} (-?z). [OE. cipres, cipresse, OF. cipres, F. cypr?s, L. cupressus, cyparissus (cf. the usual Lat. form cupressus), fr. Gr. ????, perh. of Semitic origin; cf. Heb. g?pher, Gen. vi. 14.] (Bot) A coniferous tree of the genus {Cupressus}. The species are mostly evergreen, and have wood remarkable for its durability. Note: Among the trees called cypress are the common Oriental cypress, {Cupressus sempervirens}, the evergreen American cypress, {C. thyoides} (now called {Chamaecyparis sphaeroidea}), and the deciduous American cypress, {Taxodium distichum}. As having anciently been used at funerals, and to adorn tombs, the Oriental species is an emblem of mourning and sadness. {Cypress vine} (Bot.), a climbing plant with red or white flowers ({Ipot[oe]a Quamoclit}, formerly {Quamoclit vulgaris}).

Synonyms for cypress

cypress tree

See also: Arizona cypress | Callitris quadrivalvis | conifer | Cupressus | Cupressus abramsiana | Cupressus arizonica | Cupressus goveniana | Cupressus goveniana abramsiana | Cupressus goveniana pigmaea | Cupressus lusitanica | cypress | gowen cypress | Guadalupe cypress | Italian cypress | juniper | Mediterranean cypress | Montezuma cypress | pond cypress | pygmy cypress | sandarac | sandarac tree | Santa Cruz cypress | swamp cypress | Taxodium distichum | Taxodium mucronatum |

The fun area, different aproach to word »cypress«

Let's analyse "cypress" as pure text. This string has Seven letters in Two syllables and One vowel (In our algorithm Y is not counted as vowel, but in English language, sometimes it sounds like one). 14.3% of vowels is 24.3% less then average English word. Written in backwards: SSERPYC. Average typing speed for these characters is 1885 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: -.-. -.-- .--. .-. . ... ...


Hearts desire number calculated from vowels: cypress: 5 = 5, reduced: 5 (or 3 if Y is vowel too). and the final result is Five.
Destiny number calculated from all letters: cypress: 3 + 7 + 7 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 33, reduced: 33, and the final result is Thirty-Three.

Tarot cards

Letter Num. Tarot c. Intensity Meaning
C (1) 3 Empress Patient, Willful, Strong, Giving
E (1) 5 Hierophant Wise, Crafty, Daring, Inventive
P (1) 16 Tower Craftsman, Laborer, Builder
R (1) 18 Moon Patient, Determined, Strong
S (2) 19 Sun Colorful, Bright, Perceptive
Y (1) 25 Knight of Wands Brave, Daring, Bold, Charismatic, Brash

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